Recently, my fiancée complained a lot about those inequities of her job. She worked so hard that nobody can ignore her remarkable works, but still had no hope to sway her colleague’s view of what a female could do in the company. Some of junior stuff got promoted but she was still in the same place.It reminds me about how widespread the ‘workplace discrimination’ is.
1. Have you noticed workplace discrimination before? Illustrate some for us.
2. How do you think about it?
Workplace discrimination is ubiquitous but sometimes, hard to discover or be proved, for it appears under cover of something else.
Having been working in an energy company of which man has dominated everything for seven years, I witnessed many discriminations during this time. Take woman’s role for example, I have to admit it’s really hard for a woman to gain her career success in energy sector, for people have a preconceived notion of what a female employee should be like. I remembered that HR manager told us there would be a female employee in our squad soon. The first response of my manager was ‘What can she do in our squad? Can you allocate a male one for my team?’ After some useless negotiations, my manager realised that the result is unchangeable and he set a role for that girl – to do the paperwork. And of course, he had a perfect reason for that arrangement – female is more careful and good at writing. Totally discriminative! The girls ‘fate’ had been settled even before her arrival even if she was majoring energy engineering.
What could I do for such a discrimination? The manager didn’t express any ‘discrimination’ while making a decision. Maybe he himself didn’t realise that either. I reckon this as a ‘subconscious discrimination’, which might be caused by preconceived notion of the public. What makes it worse, sometimes, the people who has been discriminated is happy with it. That girl accepted her job and was satisfied with it, because it’s an easy job for her.
As you can see, on the way to eliminate workplace discrimination, there’re still works to be done.
Discrimination at the workplace can take place despite our best efforts to minimize it. Depending on the industry and the field, some workers may experience discrimination to a greater extend than others. Quite often, people may not realize the prejudice they may have subconsciously. People have to be more aware of their bias when they are making decisions. Education plays an important role. When children are brought up, are they taught that certain jobs are done by a certain type of people? A picture says a thousand word. If the children are exposed to a concept early on, it will make a lasting impression on them.