據(jù)記載北京已有3000多年的滄桑歷史,它早的名稱叫做薊,是周朝所分封的一座都城。歷史上北京曾先后名為涿郡、幽州、南京、燕京、北平等,直到明朝才始稱北京。歷經(jīng)數(shù)朝數(shù)代、34位皇帝的苦心經(jīng)營,北京積淀了輝煌的帝都景觀和醇厚的文化神韻。其古跡之多、山水之勝、園林之美。在國際上久負(fù)盛名。 今天的北京發(fā)生了巨大的變化,老北京的城墻和城門絕大部分已蕩然無存,舊時(shí)的風(fēng)貌目漸淡漠。歷史總是在變化。城市也總是在發(fā)展。請跟隨我們領(lǐng)略北京的舊貌新頗。感受古都名城的風(fēng)采。
It is recorded that Beijing has a historyof more than 3.000 years.It was originally named Ji as an enfeoffment of the Zhou Dynasty.It was successively called Zhuojun.Youzhou.Nanjing。Yanjing and Beijing.It got the nameof Beijing in the Ming Dynasty.Thirty—four emperors made Beijing the capital.Beijing has splendid scenes of capital and abundant cultural heritage.1t is welI known for its countless historic sites, beautiful gardens and natural landscapes. The wheel of history rolls on.Beijing is developing.With us,you can see and appreciate the elegant appearance and bearing of Beijlng.
1北京的格局 City Pttern of Beijing
2北京的城門 City Gate of Beijing
3北京的角樓 Watchtower of Beijing
4北京的水 Water of Beijing
5北京的古橋 The ancient Bridge in Beijing
1、鑄鐘胡同 Zhuzhong Hutong
2.帽兒胡同 Mao'er Hutong
3.復(fù)雜的胡同 The Most Mixed Hutong
4.古老的胡同 The Oldest Hutong
5.窄的胡同 The Narrowest Hutong
6.長、寬的胡同 The Longest,Widest Hutong
7.短的胡同 The Shortest Hutong
8.帶彎的胡同 Hutong With Curve
9.以人名命名的胡同 Hutong Named After Persongage's Name
10.煙袋斜街 Yandaixiejie
11.大柵欄 Dashilan
1、川底下村 Chuandixia Village
2.佚名私家花園 private Garden(Former Owner of House is Unknown)(No.36 Fuxue Hutong)
3.黎元洪宅院 Li Yuanhong's Residence
4.中郡王府 The former Residence of Prince Zhong Jun
5.郝家宅院 Hao's Residence
6.安家宅園 The Residence of An
7.馬輝堂宅院 The Residence of Ma Huitang
8.樂家花園 The Garden of Yue
9.承澤園 Chengze Garden
10.民間宅院 Traditional Chinese Courtyard
11.吳俊生宅院 The Residence of Wu Junsheng
12.恭王府 The Former Residence of Prince Gong
1.五塔寺 Five-Pagoda Temple
2.雍和宮 Yonghegong Lamasery
3.西黃寺 Xihuang Temple
4.昭廟 Zhao Temple
5.關(guān)岳廟 Guanyue Temple
6.戒臺寺 Jietai Temple
7.大覺寺 Dajue Temple
8.大慧寺 Dahui Temple
9.紅螺寺 Hongluo Temple
10.東四清真寺 Dongsi Mosque
11.云居寺 Yunju Temple
1、曹雪芹故居 Cao Xueqin's Former Residence
2.老舍故居 Lao She's Former Residence
3.茅盾故居 Mao Dun's Former Residence
4.魯迅故居 Lu Xun's Former Residence
5.郭沫若故居 Guo Moruo's Former Residence
6.紀(jì)曉嵐故居 Ji Xiaolan's Former Residence
7.歐陽予倩故居 Ouyang Yuqian's Former Residence
8.梅蘭芳故居 Mei Lanfang's Former Residence
9.朱啟鈐故居 Zhu Qiqian's Former Residence
10.李蓮英故居 Li Lianying's Former Residence
1全聚德烤鴨 Quanjude Roasted Duck
2皇家御善 The Royal Feast
3老北京炸醬面 The Fried Bean Sauce Noodle of Old Beijing
4自制北京小吃 Home Made Beijing Snacks
5京東肉餅 Jingdong Meat Pie
6老北京豆汁 Beijing's Traditional Drink-Douzhi
7春餅 Spring Pancake
8北京府邸菜 Residence Dish in Beijing
9滿漢全席 Complete Manchu-Han Banquet