If some one loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the
millions and millions of stars.
It doesn't matterthat you are not here in person as long as you are here in my heart.
I'll make my joy like this small butterfly.
Laugh,and the world laugh with you;weep,and you weep alone.
If I could bo your prince.
Truth that's brighter than gem,trust,that's purer than pearl,brightest truth,purest trust in the universe.
All that we need to do.Be we low or high,is to see that we grow,nearer the sky.
I live not in myself,but I bocome portion of that aroud me.
Friends will come and friends will go.But our friendship stays strong and true.
He may always remember the simplicity,the open mind of true wisdom,the meekness of true strength.
Nothing happens unless dream first.
And a sleep full of sweet dreams,and health,and quiet breathing.
The hunman life is exactly same with the road.
I'll be the gladdest thing under the sun!
Let us,then,be up and doing with a heart for any fate.
Something is lost but something is gained in living every day.